Saturday, January 3, 2015

12 Years A Slave Blog #2

Genders within slaves shapes their experiences in many ways. Men who are slaves typically do most of the hard work and are in harsh conditions. On the other hand, women who were slaves served more like maids of the owners' house because they can clean and do house work more capably than men. Therefore, sometimes women slaves would end up being either raped or becoming a wife due to the fact that many slave owners took those actions. In the movie 12 Years a Slave, men as well as Solomon were working out in the fields in harsh conditions and had high expectations among Master Epps. While they worked, a women slave got the most cotton out of anyone in the group, This made Epps like here more and later on in the film, he basically has sex with her and she ends up having a baby. The gender norm back in the was: men do the hard work, women do the cleaning work.

Pastey, a slave woman

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